Saturday, October 23, 2010

Asthma in Pregnancy

Asthma in pregnancy pregnancy is a delicate moment in the life of the woman: the arrival of a baby generates joy and anxiety for the future that is unknown, a mix of sensations. The asthmatic pregnant, in addition to these sentiments, however, comes with a number of other fears:
  • Pregnancy worsens asthma of mother? 
  • The woman who has asthma in pregnancy will suffer more? 
  • Asthma mother hinders development of the foetus? 
  • The baby will have problems if the mother has crisis? 
  • And the medications harm the baby?

We cannot predict whether a woman will improve, or maintain your asthma worsen unchanged in pregnancy: statistically the proportion is equal. But this is not a reason to be afraid of getting pregnant, because with a good medical follow-up, especially with a preventive treatment, asthmatic won't have bigger problems in pregnancy, either for it or for the baby. The treatment of asthma in pregnancy is always recommended because if the woman does not breathe correctly, your baby will also have difficulty breathing. In addition, the disease without control increases the risk of admissions and the number of medications.

Medications used during pregnancy do not differ from those used for usual asthma treatment.

Flonase patent issues, corticosteroids and sometimes antibiotics are medicines normally employed in the control of asthma in pregnant, being quite safe and effective. Points out that the risk of the disease without control is much larger than the undesirable effects of the above mentioned remedies. With regard to the fetus, such medicinal products do not cause bad formations in baby. What to do?-establish a trust relationship between the pregnant and the doctor who takes care of your asthma;-Establish a good integration of obstetrician and specialist for no divergences that let pregnant confusing not to use drugs without the guidance of the physician;-Maintain continuous treatment and not just in crises.

Pregnant women with asthma need treatment in the same way as asthmatic non-pregnant. This is the guarantee for your health and for the health of your unborn child.

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