Antibiotics, analgesics and antinflamatórios are drugs that cause allergy more in people and often these remedies are used without prescription, by self-medication. This was the topic of a study released by the Ministry of health in Peru.
Allergic reactions may be lightweight, manifesting as itching and irritation of the skin but can also manifest itself so serious and life threatening. The study showed that antibiotics as sulfas and Pencillins accounted for 47% of cases, followed by antinflamatorios (29%) including: aspirin, piroxicam, diclofenac, ibuprofen salicilico acid and acetyl.
The study showed that allergic reactions also mostly arise minutes or hours after ingestion of the medicinal product, but in some cases may be late. When the reaction is critical, can desencadar un cuadro anaphylaxis, i.e. when the tissues-in different parts of the body release substances such as histamine, resulting in obstruction of respiratorias and acute symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, nasal congestion, palpitation, hives, itching etc and emerge in a matter of minutes or segunds.
Womens are more vulnerable
The allergy to drugs can appear at any age, being more frequent between 40 and 50 years, probably by increased use of drugs, particularly in female population.
Unlike other types of allergy such as Dermatitis, food allergies, asthma, rhinitis or that are more frequent in childhood or youth, allergy to drugs is more common in adyltos and seniors.
But, an alert to children, but also to all that the slightest sign of fever or pain if automedicam with analgesics, antibiotics, antinflamatórios and even often unnecessarily.
No to self-medication!
Self-medication Is proven: increases the risk of allergy.
It is true that there is no way to review if a person is allergic to medicines. But, the widespread use and self-medication certainly contribute to increase sadly these indices. The doctor, by prescribing a medication, must analyze each case so that it can rewrite safely and effectively.
There are few products that can be tested. In much of the time, the diagnosis is done clínicamente, i.e. based on data obtained in the anamnesis (current and past medical history) and physical examination performed by the doctor Allergy specialist.
And concludes: "more than tests, the clinical evaluation of the patient and a thorough medical history are valuable instruments to detect the possibility of Allergy and to guide the use of a medication".
The World Health Organization (who) has estimated that about 5% of the population of the planet can be a carrier of allergies to one or more medicines.